I am a sophomore and currently a Liberal Arts major but I plan to become a police officer after I graduate. I’ve worked with the police for the last two years during the summer and it’s been a real eye opener for me because I barely see any black female police officers there, and that’s something I’d like to change.
Unfortunately, my plans suffered a setback this year. My GPA is too low to receive financial aid this semester, including the Excelsior Scholarship, but past semesters I did receive aid. Without the aid my family and I have been struggling to find a way to pay for school out of pocket. We now are living paycheck to paycheck, and even though there are a lot of things we would like to do, due to lack of funds we can no longer do them.
As a person who was not born in this country, I feel like the system is not set up in a way that enables me to succeed. For example, I’m doing poorly in my English 151 class and my professor tells me I don’t know how to write to an American standard, but then he doesn’t have the time to teach me how to correct it. A fully funded CUNY would mean that professors would be able to spend more time with each student, more student services would be available to help students like me improve skills like writing, and I could commit to being a full-time student without burdening myself or my family.